Getting motherhood is most fulfilling emotions in human being; however having pregnancy is never easy. It can be defined as fertilization of egg with sperm and developing into one or more offspring in a woman uterus. There can be one or more off springs such as twins, triplets or more. Birth of a baby usually occurs about 38 weeks after conception in a woman. Conception can occur after sexual intercourse or after assisted reproductive intervention.
Pregnancy can be detected by certain early physical signs and symptoms. One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy can be missed period, morning sickness and implantation bleeding but presence of these symptoms may not give correct diagnoses of this. Pregnancy can be detected through blood and urine test. Ultrasound is also good method to detect pregnancy.
For convenience obstetricians have divided Pregnancy into periods or trimester, each trimester consisting of three months. First 12 weeks of pregnancy is known as first trimester, 2nd trimester is 13th to 28 weeks of pregnancy and third trimester of pregnancy starts from 29th week till the birth of child.
Each trimester has certain symptoms, in first trimester pregnant female may suffers from morning sickness, tiredness and tenderness of breast, during 2nd trimester pregnant female feels more energized, fetus grows in size and weight, there may be movement of fetus. Final weight gain takes place during 3rd trimester, due to enlargement of fetus, naval of female may pop out. Head of the baby gets engaged during this trimester.
Proper medical and nursing care should be taken during pregnancy and after the baby. The reason for good cares before and after delivery is to identify then rectify any problem during this.
Well balanced nutritious diet is necessary to maintain the health of mother and the baby. Eating diet is rich in carbohydrate, protein, fat, veggies and fruits, vitamins, will help woman to keep healthy.
Drugs and alcohol, smoking should be totally avoided these harmful for the fetus. A woman having alcohol may have babies with birth defect. Females who smoke may give birth to babies with behavioral, neurological and physical problems.
Medicine may have permanent or temporary effect on the fetus so any kind of medicine should be avoided. Regular gentle exercise like walking is recommended during pregnancy as it keeps circulation improved.
Pregnant woman should remain happy with positive state of mind and wait for the moment for the moment of joy. All the discomfort vanishes as soon as the woman takes her baby in her arms.
Women Pregnancy is the fertilization and development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus, in a woman uterus. The pregnant woman should care during pregnancy as like diet, exercise, massage, fresh air, etc. For more details about health information -
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