Do you want to have your baby before your due date? Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly in pain and know your baby is ready to come out? You can naturally induce labor yourself and deliver your baby sooner starting today. Don't spend any more time suffering with swollen ankles and achy legs. You can take control of your delivery and induce your labor at home with exercise today. Try out these easy and safe ways to get your labor started without putting your or your baby in danger. You know when it's time to have your baby, so take control and get your contractions started now.
1) Walking - Many women swear by this effective, yet simple technique. The best way you can help get start your labor early is by putting on a comfortable pair of walking shoes and going for a nice long walk. Not only will walking help loosen all of those stiff and sore muscles in your legs, it will also help relax your hips. The gentle bouncing motion that your body makes with every step has also resulted in baby pushing through the amniotic sac and breaking water naturally.
2) Stairs - Stairs are essentially a more powerful version of walking. Make sure you stick to stairs with a handle or railing and have someone nearby at all times that you trust. Stepping up and down stairs increases the bouncing movement for your baby and also helps widen your hips even more.
3) Lunges - Deep lunges are another great way to bring on labor naturally. You can do these in your own living room. Stand with your legs together and take one big step forward. Make sure you bend at your knees but to not over extend your self, stretch as low as you can comfortably and then bring the leg that you stepped forward back to standing. This is a great way to warm up those hips and push your baby in the right direction.
4) Supported Squats - Many women go into labor early with supported squats. Supported squats are the same as normal squats, but you want to make sure that you are close to a wall. Stand a foot or so away from a wall. Bend into a squatting position with your back supported by the wall, go as far down as you can comfortably and then stand back up. This again helps direct baby into the right position and can cause your waters to break instantly.
5) Yoga - Natal yoga classes are a great way to use meditation and slow muscle control to induce your labor in a safe and effective way. Make sure you always practice with a certified yoga instructor and you'll see results that are gentle and guaranteed right away.
With these five easy ways you can induce labor at home with exercise you can finally get ready to meet your beautiful baby on your terms. Don't let a doctor push you into chemically inducing your baby when you can naturally induce labor yourself. Your body is designed for this beautiful experience. Get your delivery started sooner and try these powerful exercises out for yourself today.
If you're pregnant, you know the highs and the lows that come with being a mom-to-be. Being close to or past your due date can be extremely uncomfortable and painful. If you're ready to bring your new bundle of joy into this world, there is a safe and natural alternative to chemical induction. Protect you and your baby and induce your labor naturally today.
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