Being pregnant may be a beautiful thing, but once you get close to your due date, it definitely stops feeling wonderful. If you are tired, achy and sore and just want to deliver your baby now, this article is just what you're looking for. If you asked: "How can I go into labor naturally?" you'll find all your answers in this article. Don't worry, you can induce your labor safely using these fifteen ways to make yourself go into labor today. These methods are tried, tested and true and definitely won't disappoint. Get reading and hold your baby sooner.
Sperm - Your man's sperm could be the reason you're pregnant, but it can also be the key to starting your labor. Sperm contains prostaglandins that help your cervix prepare for delivery.Orgasm - Your orgasm is a great way to naturally induce labor from home. When you orgasm your vaginal muscles contract. These contractions can spur labor immediately.Nipple Stimulation - Nipple stimulation causes your body to release oxytocin. This natural hormone is called the pregnancy hormone because it helps signal to your body that it's time for labor.Supported Squats - Many women swear by this technique. Stand with your back against the wall and your feet a foot or two away. Bend into a squat with your back supported by the wall. This can help direct your baby right out.Stairs - Stairs are a great way you can use gravity to help push that baby out. The gentle bouncing motion helps guide your baby the right way, while the movement in your hips helps open your cervix.Walking - Sometimes all you need to get your baby's delivery started is to go for a long walk. Not only will the walk help loosen up your hips, but it will also help relax you. This is a perfect labor inducing combination.Yoga - There are so many yoga classes dedicated to pregnant women. Some women have gone into labor right in the middle of a deep stretch. Make sure you take a class that is guided by a certified professional so you don't hurt yourself or the baby.Acupressure - Did you know that your body is built with an amazing nervous system that can cause different changes to occur in your body just by hitting certain pressure points? Acupressure is an ancient technique that many women swear by for inducing their labor.Acupuncture - Much like acupressure, you can induce your labor by visiting a certified acupuncturist and stimulating specific parts of your body.Spicy Foods - By eating spicy foods you naturally make yourself run to the bathroom with the runs. By having to go to the bathroom and having bowel contractions you can instantly go into labor. It may not be pretty, but it definitely works.Banana - This fruit is so important to your delivery. If you don't have enough potassium in your diet you could be offsetting your labor. By eating enough bananas you'll make sure that you aren't offsetting your delivery and that your contractions are strong. Bananas are also known for helping prep your cervix for labor.Dates - Eating six dates a day all the way through your third trimester will help you beat your due date and help you induce your delivery when you're ready.Evening Primrose Oil - This oil can be diluted in a tea or you can insert evening primrose oil capsules into you to help ripen your cervix. This will signal to your body that it's time for delivery and will induce your labor naturally.Pineapple - There are so many amazing enzymes in pineapple. When trying this remedy, make sure you eat fresh raw pineapple. The stuff in the can is full of sugar and preservatives and just won't have the same effect.Hypnobirthing - There are professional hypnotists who can hypnotize you right into labor. You can find a professional hypnotist who can help you go into labor instantly in your area, just be ready to pay for their services.You can use these fifteen ways to go into labor today. They're safe, natural and proven ways to help your body kick start delivery right from your own home. Don't spend another moment suffering from lack of sleep, aches and pains and roller coaster emotions. Have your baby sooner with these guaranteed labor inducing remedies.
If you're pregnant, you know the highs and the lows that come with being a mom-to-be. Being close to or past your due date can be extremely uncomfortable and painful. If you're ready to bring your new bundle of joy into this world, there is a safe and natural alternative to chemical induction. Protect you and your baby and induce your labor naturally today. Rate this ArticleHow Can I Go Into Labor Naturally? - 15 Ways to Make Yourself Go Into Labor TodayNot Rated YetLaura Lane has published 22 articles. Article submitted on May 21, 2013. Word count: 701
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