Tubal Ligation Risks, Complications and Side Effects

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure used as a safe and reliable form of permanent female birth control (contraception). In the surgery, both the fallopian tubes of a woman are cut, blocked, burned, or closed with bands or clips in order to close off male sperm's access to the egg, thus permanently prevent pregnancy.

This abdominal procedure stops eggs from traveling from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes, where the egg normally meets a sperm and fertilize.

Tubal ligation is often effective at preventing pregnancy, but it does come with its fair share of downsides. This surgery is often considered as a safer procedure, but as with any surgery, some potential side effects, risks and complications can occur with this surgery.


Infection, wound separation and burns on the skin are minor complications that may occur with tubal ligation. Painful scar formation, minor bleeding and allergic skin reaction to tape/dressings are some other complications. All these complications are temporary and your healthcare provider can take care of them easily. The major complications that rarely occur with this surgery include excessive bleeding, problems due to general anesthesia used for the surgery, and injury to a nearby organ during surgery.

Side Effects

A patient may feel tiredness, slight abdominal cramps and shoulder pain due to the carbon dioxide used during surgery. Very few patients may feel dizzy and nauseous. There is a possibility of soaring throat if the surgery is done using general anesthesia. These side effects are temporary and usually go away within a week of the surgery. A working woman may feel fatigued later in the day and feel slight soreness over the surgical cuts, but these discomforts can be relieved with mild medication.


Although rare, there is a possibility that a woman becomes pregnant after tubal ligation. By some estimates, less than one in 200 women (0.4%) who have had their tubes tied will conceive during the first year after the procedure.

If a tubal ligation fails and pregnancy occurs, you remain at an increased risk of a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. In the ectopic pregnancy, egg fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes which can cause life-threatening complications and can require emergent medical care.

Pregnancy after tubal ligation may occur if fallopian tubes are not completely closed, blocked off; or the cut ends of the tubes grow back together. The improperly clamped or loosened clips could also make pregnancy still possible.

Bleeding from an incision, serous skin infection, uterine perforation, menstrual cycle disturbances and other gynecological problems are the possible risks associated with tubal ligation.

Because the surgery is performed using tiny instruments inserted into the abdomen, you may have damage to surrounding organs, including bowel, bladder, major blood vessels, uterus and ovaries. The organs that get injured by surgical instruments may need surgical repair.

Neelam Goswami Photo Neelam is a freelance writer. She writes for Websites providing guidance, information and support to people seeking affordable healthcare services abroad. If you have had your fallopian tubes tied but now wish to conceive again, you can have a successful pregnancy after Tubal Ligation Reversal in Mexico . The arthritic knee patients who cannot afford the cost of knee surgery in their country can find Knee Replacement in Tijuana , Mexico very cost-effective.

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