Questions to Understand IVF Treatment

IVF is a popular treatment for infertility. After failing to conceive naturally, beginning an IVF treatment can be nerve wracking and exciting. However, it may more than one attempt as research has shown that potential for success if the same in up to four cycles. Therefore, it is important to effectively manage your treatment and your expectations.

What are the age limitations for treatment?

Successful outcomes are generally related to the age of the female patient. Many clinics have an upper age limit after which use of the patients own eggs may not be possible. This is generally between the ages of forty two and forty five. If a donor egg is to be used, the age of the patient does not appear to affect a successful outcome. There have been cases of successful IVF pregnancies in women aged over sixty using donor eggs.

What does the treatment involve?

The treatment is actually very complex. Generally, physicians will explain the full IVF process and how it can be applied to your personal circumstances. This will include instructions on the importance of timing and any fertility medications required.

Should we transfer more than one embryo?

Generally, it is the patient's decision as to how many embryos are transferred. There are no guarantees that each embryo will develop into a baby. Transferring more than a single embryo does increase the chance of pregnancy within the IVF cycle but it will also increase the risk of a multiple pregnancy. It is usually recommended that embryo numbers should be based on your age and if you have tried IVF before. For example, if you are aged thirty five and under and new to IVF, then two embryos are recommended for transfer.

Can you improve chances of success?

Generally, the chances of success increase in the same way as trying to become pregnant naturally. You should avoid tobacco, alcohol and caffeine, follow a balanced and healthy diet, and aim to maintain a healthy BMI.

When should I take a pregnancy test?

You will need to wait two weeks after the embryo transfer for a blood test to check if the treatment has been successful. If the blood test shows a positive result, a further test is taken after another two weeks. This can be an agonizing wait but rushing to test may prove disappointing with false results.

How long do I have to wait for another IVF cycle?

Medically there is no reason to not begin again on your next cycle. However, many clinics recommend having a break of two or three months between IVF attempts.

IVF does not require hospitalization as you will be required to visit the clinic three to five times during your cycle for egg collection and embryo transfer. The treatment provides hope for couples who have suffered from infertility. Treatment has a greater rate of success related to the age of the patient, so if you have been struggling to conceive, it is important to seek advice from your health care professional to discuss whether IVF is suitable for you. To know about IVF Cost , please visit the following website:

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