The Best Tips to Prevent Miscarriages!

Expecting a baby is often a joyous moment in couple's life. The excitement of wondering the face of the new-born, selecting the unique names, decorating his/her room, holding them tightly, watching them crawl, imagining the first walk and fulfilling their wishes is simply a spectacular feeling! However, sometimes the certain complications or infertility issues such as Ovulation problem, Tubal infertility, Sperm problems and unexplained infertility can break your dream into pieces. It results into miscarriages, also known as spontaneous abortion. This incident is certainly a tragic part of a married life, where couples, especially when expecting first born, undergoes a lot of emotional trauma. When it comes to experiencing repeated miscarriages, they are truly distraught and consider it as a real misfortune. Well, this article will provide you useful tips to make you understand the causes of repeated miscarriages and how to prevent them.


A pregnancy can often turn into miscarriage if a mother is affected by serious and dangerous infections such as Malaria, Chlamydia, Listeria and infections in a man's sperm. The herpes virus is also considered perilous in pregnancy particularly if a woman has an outbreak in the first five months. The sad news is that this virus may cause a miscarriage. Other viruses that are dangerous and can result into miscarriages include German measles, mumps and hepatitis A and B.

Apart from this, problems with the uterus where some women have weak cervixes can result into miscarriages. The genetic causes are much higher in the advanced maternal age, i.e. after 35, where the egg starts losing their freshness and develop an issue called miscarriage.

Hormonal causes of miscarriages happen when the production of Progesterone falls out of balance and starts affecting the way your body handles pregnancy, including your menstrual cycle and the inner lining of your uterus.

Symptoms of Miscarriages:

Vaginal bleeding that lasts for more than two weeks

Tenderness in the breasts

Morning sickness





Ditch your cigarettes and alcohols for water as more than 4000 chemicals in it is harmful to your unborn child and it can lead to miscarriages. Protecting your baby from tobacco smoke is one of the best things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life.Say yes to Pregnancy Yoga! Being fit and active while you are pregnant is one of the most beneficial mantra to avoid miscarriages. The practice of simple yoga poses will make your pregnancy phase smooth and cope with labour in a better way. However it is best to consult a professional while starting your regime.Now that you're a mum-to-be, you need to eat well. If your diet is poor to begin with, it is even more important to make sure you have a healthy diet now. Limit junk food, as it has lots of calories with few or no nutrients while include vitamins and minerals, especially folic acid and iron in your daily diet.Make sure you visit your gynaecologist every month for check-ups.

Repeated miscarriages are devastating and thus you should take extra care while carrying another life in your body.

Aditi Chopra is a specialist in treating repeated miscarriages among women. She has been spreading awareness of this issue by writing articles and blogs from past five years.

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